As the Corona Pandemic affects us all in running our Academies and in reflecting on our role in our societies, the Board of Oikosnet Europe invites its members to a virtual Zoom conference the 18th of June on how Christian Academies in Europe cope with the Corona Pandemic. The session will have two parts. One session on general sharing and a session with three parallel thematic workshops. Please get in touch with our secretariat and you will recieve an invitation with access coordinates. office@oikosnet.eu
Videoconference on Corona: June 18, 9.00 – 10.30 AM
Session with general sharing of experiences
Workshop 1: June 18, 11.00 – 12:30AM
Practical issues and experiences with virtual Conference
Workshop 2: June 18, 11.00 – 12:30 AM
The role of Christian Academies in our societies during and after Corona
Workshop 3: June, 18 11.00 – 12:-30
The “new normal” for Europe and the role for Oikosnet Europe
Although the situation is different from country to country, we believe it will profit all to learn from each other as far as very practical issues are concerned, but also with regard to our visions and possibilities for the future. Results and recommendations of this video conference will be taken-up at the Annual Conference in September.
In any case, we are looking forward to first hearing from you and later on to seeing you, at least virtually. Our Executive Secretary is in the process of contacting each of our members in order to get informed about your situation and in order to evaluate in which way Oikosnet Europa can be of support.
with every good wish,
Walter Lüssi
Oikosnet President