14 -16th November 2016 in Altenkirchen/Germany
Being young in the countryside is different from being young in the city: There is more space and more freedom yet at the same times fewer opportunities and fewer people of the same age. Due to demographic change and the growing attractiveness of big cities, the number of young people is likely to further decrease in the decades to come. These problems can be seen in different regions across Europe. Shouldn´t there be common European ideas and solutions? Therefore the Protestant Academies in Neudietendorf (Thuringia) and Altenkirchen (Rheinland) invite adolescents and youth workers from all over Europe to talk about how life in the periphery can be changed for the better: young, creative and European! We would like to invite partners from the OIKOSNET Europe who are interested to cooperate in this project to get into contact. The conference will be held from Nov. 14-16, 2016. The working language is English.
Place of event:
Evangelische Landjugendakademie in Altenkirchen in cooperation with Evangelische Akademie Thüringen Dieperzbergweg 13-17 D-57610 Altenkirchen
Contact persons:
Annika Schreiter
Evangelische Akademie Thüringen
Studienleiterin Referat gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung
Zinzendorfplatz 3
99192 Neudietendorf
Tel.: 036202 / 984-12
email: schreiter@ev-akademie-thueringen.de
Philipp Schlicht
Referent für jugendpolitische Bildung Evangelische Landjugendakademie Altenkirchen
Dieperzbergweg 13-17
D-57610 Altenkirchen
Tel.: +49 2681 9516 27
email schlicht@lja.de