“Transition Accomplished or Mission Impossible – Economic Developments and Civil Society. The Example of the Czech Republic” Prague 7 – 11 September
On behalf of the Board of Oikosnet Europe and on behalf of the Ecumenical Academy in Prague, it is our pleasure to invite you to the next Annual Conference of Oikosnet Europe. The Annual Conference is scheduled to take place upon invitation of our member, the Ecumenical Academy of Prague, under the main theme “Transition Accomplished or Mission Impossible – Economic Developments and Civil Society. The Example of the Czech Republic” from 7 to 11 September 2016. As usual, the Conference will begin at 17h00 with an opening worship. It will end with breakfast on 11 September.
The Ecumenical Academy in Prague (www.ekumakad.cz), which will organize our stay, the Study Day and an Excursion is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, established in 1995. Among its priorities are national and international conferences as well as projects on issues such as economic justice, fair trade and sustainable development. The Academy is well-rooted and has many contacts in the civil society in the Czech Republic and beyond. It is, therefore, a privileged place to discuss hopes and disappointments as well as alternative models for an economic development, including the voice of many concerned people. We are looking forward to learning from the Czech experience in a European context over the last decades as well as to exciting debates with experts and civil society representatives.
Besides the study day and an excursion under the main theme, we will also engage in some important business issues of Oikosnet Europe. As many of you will know, in recent years Oikosnet Europe has undergone a process re-defining its vision and mission and adjusting its structures in service of its members. With a new Oikosnet Secretariat in place in Sigtuna (Sweden), we will, among other issues, have to decide on re-locating Oikosnet Europe as a legal entity from Germany to Sweden (i.e. the future dissolution of Oikosnet Europe as a legal entity according to German law and the immediate establishment of Oikosnet Europe as a legal entity according to Swedish law). This will require a two-third majority decision of its members. I due time, members of Oikosnet Europe will also receive separate formal invitation for a Founding Assembly of Oikosnet Europe according to Swedish Law, which will have to take place during the Annual Conference 2016.
In the last Annual Conferences, many Oikosnet members attended and profited from the networking among Oikosnet members from North and South, East and West of Europe. Since the last Annual Conference a special consultation has taken place for members and associates from central and eastern Europe in order to particularly listen to their voices and expectations. We will continue this process of networking in the Annual Conference 2016. This is why we are looking forward to welcoming you in Prague. Cordially welcome!
As usual, the Annual Conference will be preceded by a meeting of the Gender and Justice Network, from 5 to 7 September. The Gender and Justice Network, in 2016 will address the issue of “Escape, Migration and Gender”. Looking on forced migration from a gender perspective, the Gender and Justice Network invites women and men alike!
Practical information
The registration for the Annual Conference as well as for the Gender and Justice Network is done online. Deadline for registration has been prolonged until the 20 th of August 2016
Please register under the following links. If you need financial support, please read first the information below about costs.
Registration to AC 2016
Registration to Gender & Justice 2016
Travel instructions
The closest Airports to the venue is Prague. As Prague is well to be reached by train from many European regions, participants in the Annual Conference are encouraged to consider arriving by train. Travel instructions
Conference Language
The conference language for all events will be English only. Some consecutive translation on a voluntary basis might be possible, but a sufficient knowledge of English (active and passive) is required.
The conference fee remains at the level of previous years: 350€ for the Annual Conference (Board, Lodging, Conference Fee, Excursion) and 130€ for the Pre-Conference of the Gender and Justice Network. However, according to our agreed policy and given the difficult financial situation of some of our members, we want to state that the lack of resources should not be an obstacle for members to attend the Annual Conference. There is a limited budget for supporting members in need of financial support to attend the Annual Conference, which will be distributed, in principle, on a “first come –first served” basis. If you are in need of support, please contact our Treasurer Ms Nicola Murray at nicolamurray@corrymeela.org.
Please note that you should not register on-line if you want to apply for financial support by Oikosnet Europe. When/if support is granted, the Oikosnet Europe Office will register you as a participant, and you will receive a confirmation about this via e-mail.
If you have any issues, projects etc. which you want to discuss at the Annual Conference or if you have any special contribution to make or if you have any questions with regard to the agenda (e.g. the relocation and the revision of the Constitution), please get in touch with Executive Secretary Rüdiger Noll (noll@evangelische-akademien.de).
Draft Program for the AC 2016
Draft agenda for Business Session
In case that an Oikosnet member will not be able to attend the Annual Conference 2016 (we hope this to be a most unlikely scenario), we would still like to hear from you. And do not forget to transfer your voting rights to another Oikosnet member. We will provide you with form-sheet for that in order to be in line with our statutes. For several decisions it will be crucial to have a quorum.
Formula for proxies
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at the Annual Conference 2016 in Prague. For the time being, we remain
With every good wish,
Jaap van der Sar, President of Oikosnet Europe and Jiri Silny Director of the Ecumenical Academy of Prague