DPC training in Corrymeela before the next Annual Conference starts
Tensions between people, within groups and organisations – they are a normal part of life. Most of the time we deal with them rather well on a day to day basis. Sometimes however, things get more complicated. What to do? What to avoid? How to make tensions and conflicts effective.
This type of challenges are a perfect reason to participate in the upcoming DPC-training, just before the next Annual Conference starts. Going there becomes even more attractive and effective.
Dialogue for Peaceful Change (DPC): it was on the agenda of Oikosnet Europe for years. We talked about it. Now there is a good opportunity to follow the five-day training yourself. In No. Ireland, where roots of the training can be found. Arrival day Friday 4 September, training from Saturday 5 – Wednesday 9 September, 16.30 hrs, just before the Annual Conference starts. More information will follow.
Shona Bell, Jaap van der Sar, DPC trainers