A new online tools www.europeanisation.eu is available for organisations and institutes in the area of adult education to assess their readiness to think and act European. The tool was developed by a consortium of organisations, including the EU Fundraising Association. Some Christian Academies have contributed with their input to developing this tool. (cf. earlier Oikosnet Newsletters)
The tool offers a self-analysis in three areas:
- Which issues are relevant to the organization in the process of becoming more European
- Where does the organization stand in the process of Europeanisation
- Recommendations for further development.
“I am sure many of our Oikosnet members will profit from such a self-analysis and subsequent recommendations as thinking and acting European is high on the agenda of many of many of them and the basis for their membership in Oikosnet Europe.” With these words Rüdiger Noll, Secretary of Oikosnet Europe and member of the EU Fundraising Association, recommended the self-evaluation.