Welcome to the Annual Conference of Oikosnet Europe 2019
Agape Centro Ecumenico Italy, September 11 – 15
On behalf of the Board of Oikosnet Europe and on behalf of Agape Centro Ecemenico in Italy it is our pleasure to invite you to the next Annual Conference (AC) of Oikosnet Europe (OE).
The AC is scheduled to take place from 11 – 15 September 2019 in the beautiful settings of Torino in Northern Italy.
Agape Centro Ecumenico, is an important point of reference in Italian Protestantism and and a place for education, political engagement of acceptance and validation of differences. Agape was built after the Second World war as a sign of hope and reconciliation. We all look forward to what the very special atmosphere of Agape will bring in to the Annual Conference of 2019.
Conference Language
The conference language for all events will be English only. Some consecutive translation on a voluntary basis might be possible, but a sufficient knowledge of English (active and passive) is required, at least desired.
Practical information
Accomodation in Agape is like a hostel with bunk beds and shared bath rooms. Each room can host up to four people. Guests are given sheets and duvets but towels are not provided. If you have any specific requirements according your accomodation ( extra nights, special need for single foom etc.) please contact Agape Centro Ecumenico directly by email. ufficio@agapecentroecumenico.org
The registration for the AC is done online through this website. You can choose to pay by invoice or business card as you wish. Please contact the secretariat of OE if you have any questions about your registration office@oikosnet.eu The registration is open until August 27 2019.
Costs and financial support
The conference fee remains at the level of previous years: 350€ for the AC (Board, Lodging, Conference Fee, Excursion is included in the conference fee). Participants are expected to cover their own travel costs.
According to our agreed policy and given the difficult financial situation of some of our members, we want to state that the lack of resources should, however, not be an obstacle for members to attend the AC. There is a limited budget for supporting members in need of financial support to attend the AC.
If you are in need of support, please contact our Tresurer Karoliná Silná, karolina@ekumakad.cz or President Walter Lussi at walter.luessi@zh.ref.ch before August 21.
Please note that you should contact our Treasurer before you register to the conference online if you are in need of financial support or if you are an especially invited guest.
Agenda and documents
If you have any issues, projects etc. which you want to discuss at the AC or if you have any special contribution to make, please get in touch with Executive Secretary Rüdiger Noll noll@evangelische-akademien.de.D
In case that an Oikosnet member will not be able to attend the AC 2019 we would still like to hear from you. And do not forget to transfer your voting rights to another Oikosnet member.
A form sheet to nominate proxies will be available from the Oikosnet Secretary noll@evangelische-akademien.de
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at the AC 2019 in Italy. In case you have any further questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us. For the time being we remain
With every good wish,
Walter Lussi President, Oikosnet Europe